Sylvia Gray – Author of Ask the AncientsSylvia Gray started her college career late, and although she had originally intended to pursue a “practical” degree, her passion for the past ultimately superseded other interests. She completed her Master of Arts in History, focusing on the classical world, the Romans and the Greeks. In the process, she read as many of the extant texts from antiquity as she could, constantly being amazed at two things: how interesting they really were, and how ignorant she had been of their existence until that time. That is the inspiration behind Ask the Ancients. . . .
Sylvia has been sharing her love of history now for over twenty years. She taught Classical History at Marylhurst University for eight years, but she now teaches History of Western Civilization and Asian History full time at Portland Community College.
In her spare time Sylvia plays classical piano and hosts house concerts with her husband, Viktors Berstis.
Astonishing Advice for Daily Dilemmas By Sylvia Gray